Meet The Authors: Kimberly & Joel Walton


Kimberly Walton M.A and Joel Walton, M.A, work together in separate, yet complementary, capacities in the marriage and personal growth fields. Joel is a Licensed, Marriage and Family Therapist and Kimberly is a marriage mentor, speaker, and retreat leader. They are in private practice in Northern California.

Kimberly and Joel have diverse backgrounds and unique life experiences that give them a broad range of real-world experiences to draw from in order to serve their clients. Kimberly has the heart of an educator and inspirer, and has worked as a radio personality, facilitator, trainer, and adjunct university professor. She is a lifelong student of customs, traditions, and rites of passage and draws on her formal and informal education including her own divorce to mentor her clients.

Joel has served on a nuclear submarine, as a reserve deputy sheriff, and as a volunteer firefighter. He authored five patents while working in private industry and served as a staff counselor for a large ministry in Roseville, California, before going into private practice. Joel has a second Master’s in Biblical Counseling.

Kimberly and Joel are also bloggers, podcast guests, speakers/presenters, and lead small groups in addition to their private practices. They also work collaboratively offering weekend intensives for struggling couples wanting to save their marriages.



Both Kimberly and Joel are available for mentoring and counseling, as well as interviews and podcasts, guest speaking, and small groups. They can be contacted via their respective websites.

Kimberly Walton, M.A.

Joel D. Walton, M.A.